Monday, September 29, 2008
Bentonite Clay Powder Information
Wed, 10 Sep 2008 21:17:57 EDT
Deitanseki Soap (Clay & Charcoal Facial Cleansing Bar) Enriched with Kaolin Clay and selected Carbon Powder, this soft facial bar will leave your skin feeling s mooth and supple. ... Micro-porous active ingredients gently & deeply cleanse your face, especially the pores, and Bentonite helps your skin reta ....
Superfoods Supplier | Goji Berries | Organic Goji Berries | Wildcrafted Goji Berries | Chinese Goji Berries
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Another blog about Organic Maca
Pre-schooling children are not like adults. They are more picky with food. Plus poorly prepared canteen food rarely provides them with the proper nutrition they need. This may lead to vitamin deficiency in children, a condition where their bodies loose out on important nutrients vital for proper growth and vitality.
Pre-schooling children are not like adults. They are more picky with food. Plus poorly prepared canteen food rarely provides them with the proper nutrition they need. This may lead to vitamin deficiency in children, a condition where their bodies loose out on important nutrients vital for proper growth and vitality.
To safeguard children against this, many parents supplement their children's daily diet with multivitamin syrups. A good one should contain all the eight essential vitamins (vitamin A, 131, B2, B3, B6, C, D and E) important for healthy development.
Some multivitamin syrups even come with the extra benefit of cod liver oil, packed with health promoting properties for the hair, teeth, vision, nails, immunity, joints and bones. If you look around, quite a number are also flavoured with delicious cherry or orange juice for easier consumption.
Tue, 23 Sep 2008 06:38:05 EDT
1 TBSP Spirulina 1 Oz. Organic Flax Oil 1 Oz....
Couple arrested for carrying raw chocolate At US Border
Fri, 26 Sep 2008 18:35:23 EDT
They had also packed some raw, organic chocolate – made of unrefined, unprocessed cacao, maca root, hemp seeds and goji berries....
Insomnia a Herbal Remedy
Sat, 12 May 2007 09:05:29 EDT
A herbal remedy for insomnia is probably the most popular herbal remedy reccomended in the western hemisphere today. With anything from 10 to 20 percent of the American adult population claiming to su...
Organic Maca NewsAcai Powder - Freeze Dried Acai
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Acai Powder - Freeze Dried Acai
Dryer Balls / Fabric Softener
Yet these guys, consistently, contest to contest, are always the most ripped, defined, vascular, and muscular bodybuilders on stage.
They are always in much better condition than any of all the other bodybuilders that do perform cardio day in and day out.
Now, please don�t say, �Oh, but what about working the heart, blah, blah, blah?�.
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Dryer Balls / Fabric Softener
Superfood Testimonials
The LCAT enzyme uses the fatty acid in the number two position of lecithin to esterify to cholesterol. If this fatty acid is saturated, the process is inhibited: if it is unsaturated, the process is enhanced. Thus, cholesterol blood clearing by HDL3 is linked to dietary intake of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. High saturated triglycerides are often clinically associated with high blood cholesterol levels.
As HDL3 swells with cholesterol ester, it becomes HDL2, which in the liver releases its cholesterol through the action of hepatic lipase. Released cholesterol is conjugated with the amino acids glycine (predominantly in most species) and taurine (predominantly in cats) to form bile salts which are then excreted in the bile into the small intestine.2,3 Some cholesterol is then reabsorbed via the enterohepatic circulation and some passes with the feces. The less reabsorbed, the lower the blood levels of cholesterol. A variety of complex factors influences the reuptake of bile cholesterol. For example, some of the beneficial effects of fiber and certain bowel microorganisms can be related to decreasing cholesterol uptake.4,5
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Superfood Testimonials
Healthy Lifestyles | Healthy Food | Health Food | Nutrition
Labels: Chinese Goji Berry | Himilayan Goji Berry
The latest Informaiton on Holistic Remedies
Texas bee pollen is as the name states, derived from bees that originate and thrive in the state. Before we can properly analyze Texas bee pollen, one must first look at the environment in which the bees collect the pollen. Texas has a very high industry rate as well as an enormous population rate. These are factors that are very detrimental in the making of Texas bee pollen.
Although bee pollen sounds like it could be a relatively easy subject, it really isn?t. Not all bee pollen products are the same and location plays a key role in the finished product. Texas is a state that is very high in farming, oil industry as well as population. These three things sum up a very polluted environment to which the bee pollen is collected.
Pesticides and fertilizers are the first issue to address when speaking of Texas Bee Pollen because they are frequently utilized and commercially sprayed. Traces of these pollutants are consistently found in bee pollen. The best type of bee pollen products comes from areas that are mountainous and relatively unpopulated and unpolluted. It has to be of high importance when choosing the correct bee pollen supplement.
Industry and Texas Bee Pollen
A lot can be said to argue the industry agreement however, we sure suffer the effects of having such an industry dependant society. There is good and bad in the huge revolutionary success we, as a society have accomplished. The Texas bee pollen products probably suffer the worst.
We, as a now educated society, know the importance of untouched lands and skies and all long for them. The bees are no different. In an environment that is away from all the contaminants, the bees are heartier and thrive much better than they do in an area that is high in pollution and population.
New Zealand Vs Texas Bee Pollen
New Zealand vs. Texas bee pollen is a great example of differences in location to which bee pollen is collected. Texas bee pollen is collected in a terribly polluted and populated location which has been established in the paragraphs above, however New Zealand bee pollen is of a very pure nature due to the exact opposite reasons that Texas bee pollen displays.
The pollen is collected in a pristine location away from pollutions, industry or high population. The cross winds that New Zealand receive are from the South Pole and there is not much pollution to be found at the South Pole with the exception of reindeer droppings.
The product we personally use, located in the pristine source of New Zealand, is the most natural bee pollen source we have come across - We have been using this supplement for over 3 years with excellent health results. We have achieved a general sense of well being and new improved energy levels. We highly recommend you learn more on our bee pollen supplement of choice for further information. Jean Helmet is one of the main editors for a series of nutrition sites. Check out our Bee supplement source, for further information on pollen. |
MSM DiscussionNaturally Green Blog - Spirulina
What was going on was that the main ingredient in the creatine supplement, creatine monohydrate, was enhancing my muscles' ability to produce effort before fatiguing. The monohydrate component of creatine monohydrate combines with the most immediate metabolic byproducts of intense muscular effort during exercise, which turns a large percentage of the byproducts right back into usable muscular energy. The muscle is able to lift more weight and fatigues later than without the supplement being present. My experienced increase in performance of 10-20% was right in line with what is the usual benefit.
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Naturally Green Blog - Spirulina
Dried French Lavender Flowers
Because the fruit does not last long after it is harvested, it is mostly available to anyone outside of the Amazon as a juice or frozen. It also cannot be eaten in raw form, but rather in pulp form. That has not stopped its popularity. The dark, purple skin is what contains a majority of the healthy benefits. The natives of Brazil have been passing down recipes to create purees, which you can warm as a sauce over grains or entrees like meat and fish. The a�a� berry can also be frozen for a sorbet-like dessert.
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Dried French Lavender Flowers
Pines Wheatgrass Powder
What Will The Symptoms Be?
High blood pressure usually does not cause symptoms. Many people have high blood pressure and don�t even suspect it. Your organs and tissues can be damaged by high blood pressure without your feeling any symptoms.
Blood pressure must reach extreme levels before symptoms can be noticed. Occasionally, people with very high blood pressure may experience the following symptoms:
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Pines Wheatgrass Powder
Mon, 11 Jun 2007 07:00:00 GMT
June 11, 2007 -- According to Oman News: Muscat Securities Market (MSM)administration cancelled dealings session for today to resumetomorrow (Monday) as a result of...
Cynical Clinton Thought of the Day - Washington City Paper
Mon, 29 Sep 2008 02:07:17 GMT
![]() United Press International | Cynical Clinton Thought of the Day Washington City Paper, DC - I’m sure this type of conjecture is/has been floating around the InterTubez, I’m just waiting for an MSM person to hit Clinton with it straight up. ... First debate: Obama dominated on foreign policy, but needs to ... HuffPo Blogger to Bill Clinton: Your Fault If Obama Loses |
Tasty Goji Berries | Delicious Goji Berries | Premium Goji Berries | Quality Goji Berries | Superb Goji Berries
Labels: Chinese Goji Berries | Himilayan Goji Berries | Goji Berry
Natural Remedies Info
Sun, 31 Aug 2008 16:27:02 GMT
![]() Columbia Daily Tribune | Eat to power your health Columbia Daily Tribune, MO - Other foods that are making a scene at the moment are the goji berry and hemp seed. The goji berry has been making a name for themselves as another "super ... |
Food! RAW Food!
Fri, 19 Sep 2008 11:21:44 EDT
Remember, by being able to make TASTY raw food quickly and easily, we can stay on track a ... Add in some raisins or coconut shavings, maybe some bee pollen or goji berries, a nd all is well with the world again....
Labels: Milk Thistle Tincture
Chlorella Powder Tablets Updates
Living Will And Durable Power Of Attorney For Health Care. What Is The Difference?
by: James Wood
A Living Will is a legal document addressing only deathbed considerations; a client unilaterally declares his/her desire that life-prolonging measures be discontinued when there is no hope of ultimate recovery.
On the other hand, people use a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care to appoint someone to make all healthcare decisions, limited by certain elections regarding deathbed issues.
The client must be at least 18 years old and mentally competent at the time he/she executes either document but incompetent to participate in the decision-making process when either is implemented. It is important to remember that both documents are only applicable if the client is incompetent.
Under the a Living Will, a client declares that if he/she is certified to have an incurable, terminal injury/illness and/or to be permanently unconscious by two examining physicians (including the client's attending physician), that artificial life-support systems be withheld or disconnected. The client may also elect to discontinue artificial nutrition and hydration (intravenous feeding) by so designating on the form. (Find more information at:
Under the Health Care Power of Attorney, the client makes three separate and independent elections authorizing the agent:
1. To direct disconnection of artificial life-support systems in the event of terminal illness;
2. To direct disconnection of artificial life-support systems in the event of irreversible coma; and
3. To direct discontinuation of artificial nutrition and hydration.
In addition, the Health Care Power of Attorney form provides a space for the client to set forth any specific medical, religious or other desires concerning his/her health care. The client may also use this section as a backup source for organ donation. (Find more information at:
Both documents are signed in front of two witnesses and a notary public or a justice of the peace who acknowledges the client's signature. The witnesses to a Living Will are sworn by the notary public/justice of the peace and indicate that the client is at least 18 years of age and signed the instrument as a free and voluntary act.
The Living Will witnesses may not be the client's spouse, attending physician, heirs-at-law or person with claims against the client's estate.
The Health Care Power of Attorney witnesses may not be the designated agent, the client, spouse or heir or person entitled to any portion of the client's estate upon death under Will, Trust or operation of law.
People are frequently confused as to why both a Living Will and Health Care Power of Attorney are necessary or appropriate. The Living Will is helpful as a backup document: In the event that the client enters an irreversible coma and the health care agents designated in the Health Care Power of Attorney are deceased or unloadable, the Living Will sets forth the desires of the client concerning his/her death-bed treatment which may be followed by attending physicians. The law provides that to the extent that a Durable Power of Attorney conflicts with a Living Will, the Health Care Power of Attorney controls. Copies of both the Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care and the Living Will are forwarded to the client's primary care physician for inclusion in medical records.
Both documents are revocable through normal revocation procedures.
Note that provides an easy-to-use, quick, and economical online method for creating completed legal documents for any occasions.
About The Author James Wood is a free-lance writer on family issues; his main goal is to help people during their complicated period of life, to find a right legal solution in regards to family relationship.
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