Monday, March 31, 2008
Lets talk about Carob Powder
Each year thousands of men are treated for inflamed prostates, in most cases those cases of prostatitis could have been prevented with the help of supplements for prostate health. A healthy prostate is of the utmost importance. Men suffering from prostatitis often suffer from sexual dysfunction, difficulty urinating and even chronic abdominal and back pain. Prostate health should be important not only to elderly men, but also those as young their 40s. In order to encourage a health prostate, much consideration should be given to supplements for prostate health.
The first step to a healthy prostate should be one's dietary habits. Recent research has shown that the foods we eat have a strong impact on prostate health. Afflictions of the prostate are most commonly found in developed countries whose dietary habits focus on red meat and dairy products. Contrast that with a country whose diet focuses on fruit and vegetables and it is easy to see that natural foods can encourage a healthy prostate. A diet with significantly higher amounts of calcium will also lead to increased chances of developing prostatitis. Foods with tomatoes, pink grapefruits and even watermelons are rich in Lycopene, which is an antioxidant. Lycopene and nutrients like zinc and selenium are available in supplements for prostate health. A deficiency of vitamins like vitamins D and E can also lead to an increased chance of developing an enlarged prostate. Herbal remedies have long been found effective as supplements for prostate health.
In countries like the United States herbal supplements are often regulated to "dietary supplement" status, meaning many will not discover the incredible benefits that an herbal supplement may provide. In some cases, herbs are more effective then the most popular brands of prostate medications available. Much care should be taken to completely research any herbal regiment. Make no mistake, herbs are as powerful and in some cases are more powerful then prescription medication. Look for any supplemental information available on herbal remedies, prior to including them as supplements for prostate health.
Dean Iggo is the webmaster of a website on prostate health providing prostate cancer questions and answers for everything from an enlarged prostate to prostate cancer. |
Carob PowderEasy Healthy Non-bake Chocolate Brownie
Tue, 25 Mar 2008 04:57:46 EDT
If you aren’t used to carob you might want to stick with cacao powder....1 cup walnuts 1 cup dates 1/4 cup cacao powder or raw carob powder...If you want them to be all raw use raw cacao powder or raw carob powder. You can get these at health food stores....
E: The Environmental Magazine - Soy a-go-go - Tools for green living: resources for eco-awareness and action - Better Than Milk - Brief Article
Fri, 01 Mar 2002 08:00:00 GMT
March 1, 2002 -- Now you will never again have to be without your daily mug of soymilk! Better Than Milk powdered soy and rice milks come in a rich variety of...
New natural ingredients for blood glucose, heart support
Wed, 19 Mar 2008 00:00:00 CST
Chirositol, which contains around 95 percent D-chiro-inositol, is Cyvex's new branded ingredient for blood glucose control, and is derived from carob. ...
Reviews of Carob PowderBone Health
If you just start to remove foods from your diet because you think they may cause allergic reactions, you are likely to wind up with a diet that is not balanced or nutritionally sound. This could result in catastrophic long-term health problems in the long run! You could end up missing out on some very important vitamins and minerals, or other essential nutrients. In fact, it is really recommended that you talk to your doctor and have allergy tests performed, before you start staying away from foods that you only think may cause you to have allergic reactions.
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Bone Health
Maca Powder
Here is one more grocery shopping secret or those who want healthier fruits and vegetables. Most frozen fruits and vegetables, when tested against "fresh" fruits and vegetables, have more vitamin content. Why? The flash-freezing that is done shortly after they are picked, preserves the vitamins. "Fresh" fruits and vegetables are in trucks for days, exposed to heat and air, then sit at the grocery store for days,and finally in your refrigerator for days. They lose much of their vitamin content as a result of this treatment. Frozen fruits and veggies can be healthier, and they are even cheaper at times, like when the particular fruit or vegetable isn't in season.
View this site for more News on...
Maca Powder
SUCK UK Sun Jar Nightlights
Rayna Gangi - holistic health consultant, therapist, author and teacher.
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SUCK UK Sun Jar Nightlights
Naturally Green Blog - Goji Berries
Alfalfa Powder - 125g
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