Sunday, August 31, 2008
Recent information on Organic Kelp Powder
As we examine the uses and benefits for taking bee pollen, it leads one to wonder if there are any studies or research available out there for one seeking it.
Unfortunately, there is not a lot of research or bee pollen studies that have been conducted on this subject through government funding programs. Many companies that manufacture and process bee pollen products have conducted their own studies and individual research. This is done predominantly to come up with the best possible supplement for human consumption. This is one imperative reason for bee pollen studies however; the most extensive area of bee pollen studies should be conducted in the uses available to us.
Bee pollen studies that have been carried out have largely indicated or favored the many benefits of bee pollen therapy. It is known to help with infections and aids in the digestion of foods. The foods that we as a society consume today are loaded with toxins and different chemicals. Bee pollen studies have shown it to help in the detoxification in the human system.
Bee pollen is also loaded with proteins and nutrients from amino acids, the entire range of vitamins, hormones, carbohydrates and necessary fats. There are over 5, 000 enzymes and co-enzymes available in bee pollen that play a pivotal role in digestion and healing. Bee pollen studies, albeit not conclusively, have shown that the addition to bee pollen in the diet promotes the healing of broken bones and damaged tissues.
Known as the oldest health food on earth, bee pollen studies have uncovered that bee pollen contains every single nutrient and vitamin known to man. It contains every essential nutrient known in one single bee pollen granule. Bee pollen dates back to the bible and cites several references in the bible as it being of high value even then.
Recent bee pollen studies also suggest that the Egyptians and ancient Chinese also utilized this miraculous substance in ancient times. There is evidence of this is ancient Chinese and Egyptian writings. It appears that man has known for thousands of years what is so uncommonly known now.
As we look at bee pollen studies, one can almost come to the conclusion that at very least, bee pollen aids in the prevention of diseases, overall balanced health in humans, as well as displaying a certain detoxification property.
The product we personally use, located in the pristine source of New Zealand, is the most natural bee pollen source we have come across - We have been using this supplement for over 3 years with excellent health results. We have achieved a general sense of well being and new improved energy levels. We highly recommend you learn more on our bee pollen supplement of choice for further information. Laura Hence is one of the editors for a series of nutrition web sites. Check out the reccomended Bee supplement guide, for more information on bee pollen. |
Organic Kelp Powder ReviewsLiquorice
�Last summer I was home visiting my mother. I had just returned from a long and very tiring trip, where I was on my feet all day every day. At this time I was having terrible pains and chills, and bleeding from hemorrhoids. I had been having trouble for eight years and the doctors were recommending surgery.
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Zone diet doesn't refer to a weight-loss diet. It is a personalized diet that is based on gender, activities and proportional Body fat of the dieter. Zone diet includes calories in 40:30:30 proportions that contain carbohydrates, protein and fat respectively. Dieter's body can work with great performance.
Zone diet promotes hormonal thinking instead of caloric thinking. In fact zone diet is a way of eating and maintains hormone balance. It is a truth that human body can't store or burn the fat simultaneously. Zone diet doesn't generate weight loss but studies shows that sometimes it can produce weight loss to some extent.
It is one of the hottest nutrition strategies that assure you to improve health, weight and athletic performance. It is based on Barry Sears' 40-30-30 formula. According to Barry Sears, zone diet helps you to live healthy. Zone diet is designed to promote desired hormonal response. Main motive of zone diet is to eat exact balance of carbohydrates and protein. Anyone who wants to enter in The Zone must consume accurate ratio of carbohydrates and proteins in their meals and also allow a gap of more than 5 hours between meals.
Zone diet offers several benefits like stable blood sugar level, better performance, healthier appearance and clearer mind. You'll observe an increase in energy level and focus within 48 hours on zone diet. You can easily reduce 5 to 10 pounds during first two weeks on zone diet. It is the better option instead of the other products where you can reduce a large number of pounds quickly. Cholesterol levels will improve severely after completing six weeks on zone diet.
About the Author
Author presents a website on Zone Diet . Website provides sufficient knowledge about zone diet. Also offers information about zone diet plan, zone diet recipe, zone diet food, zone diet delivery and zone diet reviews etc. You may visit his site
Yerba Mate LeafWeight Loss/Control Glossary of Terms
Sun, 24 Aug 2008 04:30:43 EDT
Aloe leaf feed has more side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, decreases serum potassium and laxative effect, which can be dangerous for people are not in good health....
In a classic case of form following function, the makers of M13(TM ... - Eworldwire (press release)
Thu, 21 Aug 2008 18:06:59 GMT
In a classic case of form following function, the makers of M13(TM ... Eworldwire (press release), NJ - One delivers a powerful energy boost using natural caffeine derived from yerba mate leaf. Another focuses on caffeine-free energy support and daily health ... |
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Health and WellbeingRating the Diets
With so many different diets available, how are we to know what works and what is safe? The only way to be sure is to discover the author's background and the research behind the diet's methodology. Every good diet should give a background about the author and his/her credentials and experience in the fields of nutrition and biochemistry. However, even a vast resume does not mean a credible and safe diet. But it does suggest, at least, that the author has some knowledge of nutrition. Providing research behind the diet proves that the diet is not something the author invented, so long as the research is not self-serving and altered to fit a hypothesis.
With so many different diets available, how are we to know what works and what is safe? The only way to be sure is to discover the author's background and the research behind the diet's methodology. Every good diet should give a background about the author and his/her credentials and experience in the fields of nutrition and biochemistry. However, even a vast resume does not mean a credible and safe diet. But it does suggest, at least, that the author has some knowledge of nutrition. Providing research behind the diet proves that the diet is not something the author invented, so long as the research is not self-serving and altered to fit a hypothesis.
Some diets may not need a great deal of tests and studies behind them, simply because they are based on fundamentals. For example, many women's magazines have articles on dieting and weight loss, but they are common sense suggestions that most people concerned about weight should know already: "Eat smaller meals", "cut down on sugar and fat", etc., are typical philosophies. More structured diets should give some scientific reasons for its suggested success, preferably case studies and research performed on everyday test subjects, as well as athletes.
Since we have established the importance of eating a balanced diet in accordance to selecting healthy foods and obtaining RDA minimums, it is possible now to rate the diets in accordance to those specific criteria. Begin with a score of 200 and subtract 10 points from the total for each statement below in which the diet concedes. An ideal diet should maintain a score of 200, but a score of 160 or greater is acceptable.
1. The diet does not include the food groups in adequate amounts. Some fad diets eliminate one or more of the food groups. Do not deduct 10 points if a food groups nutrients (e.g., carbs, proteins, fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals) are adequately substituted with that of another food group.
2. The diet does not provide at least 45% of its calories from carbohydrate sources. In order to prevent ketosis, at least 150g of glucose/day is required. Thats 33-50% of total calorie intake on a 1200-calorie diet. Keep in mind that is the minimum. For highly active individuals, that amount should increase to 60% at times, i.e., immediately after exercise.
3. The carbohydrate content exceeds 20% concentrated sugars. At least 80% of carbohydrate sources should be complex, and preferably in the form of vegetables, seeds, and legumes.
4. The protein content exceeds 30%. A very high protein intake is unnecessary, it places additional strain on the urinary system, and it is a poor source of energy. Thirty percent is more than adequate, even for growing children and teenagers. The only group that requires higher protein intake are those who recently suffered a severe injury (e.g., leg amputation), infection, or surgery. However, these individuals will be under the care of a physician with a special high protein diet.
5. Protein content accounts for 15% or less of total calories. Although unnecessary in large amounts, protein still has many vital functions, including tissue repair and the formation of enzymes.
6. Fats exceed 30% of total intake. Besides increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease, high fat diets have not been demonstrated to decrease weight better than other methods of proper eating.
7. Total fat consumption is less than 15% of total calories. Fat in moderate amounts is essential for a healthy diet, and such a diet provides taste to many foods. Fat intake below 15% for long periods, for most individuals, is unrealistic. Fat intake that is too low can also be detrimental to children and teenagers who require ample kcalories for continued growth.
8. Total fat consumption is less than 25% essential fatty acids, and saturated fat is more than 30% of total fat consumption. Deduct 10 for each.
9. The diet does not suggest common foods, meaning foods you should be able to obtain at any grocery store or market.
10. The foods for the diet are expensive or monotonous. Some diets require the purchase of their foods or expensive organic foods only obtained through health food stores. Some foods taste so bad they are difficult to tolerate repeatedly (e.g., seaweed). Deduct 10 for each.
11. The diet consists of an inflexible meal plan. The diet does not allow for substitutions or deviations, requiring a person to live under house arrest with the same food selections every day.
12. The diet provides less than 1200 kcalories per day. Less than that and the body's basic functions may not be getting the energy, vitamins and minerals needed to work properly, and the dieter almost is certain to feel hungry all the time. Diets below 1200 kcalories should be reserved for those under the supervision of a dietitian or licensed physician.
13. The diet requires the use of supplements. If the diet provides adequate energy and it is well balanced, supplements are unnecessary. Fat accelerators, such as ephedrine, may increase the rate of weight loss, but the diet should be able to stand on its own merit. Some diet clinics promote a vast array of herbal preparations and fat accelerators, and this is where these clinics make their money not in their knowledge and ability as nutritionists.
14. The diet does not recommend a realistic weight goal. Diets should not be promoting the body of a Greek god or a supermodel. They should not be suggesting that a person lose 100 pounds (even if 100 pounds overweight). Nor should diets recommend weight loss below an ideal weight.
15. The diet recommends or promotes more than 1-2 lbs/week weight loss. Do not expect to lose more than 1-2 pounds of fat a week it is physically impossible unless chronically obese, at which point 3 pounds may be possible. If more than two pounds is lost per week, the body change is due to a loss of water and/or muscle tissue. Gimmicks that promise 10 pounds in 2 weeks are either simply not true or else something other than fat is being lost. Also keep in mind that the more fat a person wishes to lose, and the less a person has, the more difficult and slower it will be to lose additional fat.
16. The diet does not include an evaluation of food habits. Dieting should be a slow process by which a person changes normal eating habits. It should not include looking for quick fixes and quick plans promising short cuts and extreme changes a person would never stay with these programs and such diets do not work long-term. The number of kcalories eaten, and the food selections and their amounts, should be reevaluated on a regular basis perhaps once every 1-2 months to determine the programs effectiveness.
17. Regular exercise is not recommended as part of the plan for proper weight loss. Weight loss occurs twice as fast with exercise, and without exercise there is a greater tendency to lose lean muscle tissue as well as fat. This is not ideal.
Low Carbohydrate Diets: Ketosis occurs, and this presents the same problems as fasting. Once glycogen stores are spent (which happens quickly with athletes and those who exercise regularly), glucose must be made from protein sources, and there is greater wear on the kidneys as a result. Even on a high protein diet, some protein will be taken from body tissues in order to produce enough energy for the nervous system and regular activity. The onset of ketosis is an indication that this process has begun and it is not a positive aspect, regardless of what pro-high-fat authorities indicate.
Great weight loss on a low-carb diet is evident because of the fact that carbs hold water in the muscles at a ratio of 1:3. As carb intake decreases then so, too, does water retention. Much water flushes as a result of lack of glycogen to hold water molecules. Moreover, by increasing protein intake, excess nitrogen flushes with even more water since the kidneys use water to dilute the concentration of nitrogen. Once leaving a low-carb diet and the muscles refill with glycogen, fluid concentrations increase and the dieter regains some of the weight.
Low calorie diets of 400-600 kcalories that consist primarily of protein have the same problems as fasting and low-carbohydrate diets: proteins are used for energy and weight loss comes largely from water. Low-cal diets must be supervised properly by a medical professional and only as a last resort for those who cannot seem to lose weight by other methods. However, even those individuals tend to regain most of their weight back once they return to a balanced diet.
Beverly Hills Diet a diet consisting of grapefruit, eggs, rice, and kelp; it is deficient in minerals and vitamins.
Cambridge Diet a very low kcalorie (300-600 kcal/day); protein/carb mixture with mineral imbalances; the dieter is close to fasting.
Complete Scarsdale Diet this diet is unbalanced nutritionally; some days are calorically restricted; the dieter alters portions of carbohydrate, protein, and fat; the diet consists of low carbs (20-50 g/day), and high fat and protein; the diet has a high meat (saturated fat and cholesterol) content.
Dr. Atkins Diet Revolution this diet is unbalanced nutritionally; some days are calorically restricted; the dieter alters portions of carbohydrate, protein, and fat; carbs are very low (20-50 g/day), whereas fat and protein are high; there is high meat (saturated fat and cholesterol) consumption.
Dr. Linns Last Chance Diet this diet has a very low kcalorie intake (300-600 kcal/day); it consists of a protein/carb mixture with a mineral imbalance; the dieter is close to fasting.
Dr. Reubens The Save Your Life Diet this is a calorically dilute diet consisting of high fiber (30-35g/day); the diet is low in fat and animal products; there is poor absorption of minerals because of too much high fiber.
"Fake" Mayo Diet this diet consists of grapefruits, eggs, rice, and kelp; it is deficient in minerals and vitamins.
F-Plan Diet this is a calorically dilute diet consisting of high fiber (30-35g/day); it is low in fat and animal products; there is poor absorption of minerals because of too much fiber.
LA Costa Spa Diet this diet promotes weight loss of 1-1_ lbs/day; there are various plans of 800, 1000, and 1200 kcal/day composed of 25% protein, 30% fat (mostly polyunsaturates), and 45% carbohydrate; the diets includes the four food groups.
Medifast Diet this diet is balanced nutritionally, but provides only 900 kcal/day; use of liquid formulas makes this diet monotonous and expensive.
Nutrimed Diet/Medifast Diet this is a nutritionally balanced diet, but it supplies only 900 kcal/day; the use of liquid formulas makes this diet monotonous and expensive.
Optifast Diet this diet is nutritionally balanced, but supplies only 900 kcal/day; use of liquid formulas makes this diet monotonous and expensive.
Pritikin Permanent Weight-Loss Diet this is a nutritionally unbalanced diet; some days are calorically restricted; the dieter alters portions of carbohydrate, protein, and fat; the diet consists of high protein (100 g/day); unless the foods properly chosen, it may be low in vitamin B12.
Prudent Diet this is a balanced, low kcalorie (2400 kcal/day) diet for men; it is low in cholesterol and saturated fats; a maximum of 20-35% calories are derived from fat with an emphasis on protein, carbohydrates, and salt; there is ample consumption of fish and shellfish, and saturated fats are substituted with polyunsaturated fats.
Quick Weight Loss Diet this diet is unbalanced nutritionally; some days are calorically restricted; the dieter alters portions of carbohydrate, protein, and fat, although there is low carbs (20-50 g/day), and high fat and protein; there is high meat consumption (saturated fat and choclesterol) with this diet.
San Francisco Diet this diet begins at 500 kcal/day, consisting of two meals per day of one fruit, one vegetable, one slice of bread, and two meat exchanges; the second week limits carbohydrates, with most food coming from the meat group and with some eggs and cheese, and a few vegetables; week three includes fruit; in week four there is an increase in vegetables; week five the dieter add fat-containing foods (e.g., nuts, avocados); week six includes milk; week seven includes pastas and bread, where the diet is maintained at about 1300 kcal/day; this diet avoids the issue of saturated fats and cholesterol.
Slendernow Diet this diet is unbalanced nutritionally; some days are calorically restricted; the dieter alters portions of carbohydrate, protein, and fat; the protein is generally high (100 g/day); unless foods are properly chosen, there may be a deficiency in vitamin B12.
Weight-Watchers Diet this diet is balanced nutritionally, at about 1000-1200 kcal; use of high nutrient-dense foods are consumed; economic and palatable food makes it one of the most successful diets with no real health risks.
Wine Diet this diet is about 1200 kcal/day, containing 28 menus together with a glass of dry table wine at dinner; besides the medicinal components of wine, it is believed that individuals reduce portion sizes when wine is consumed with a meal; the diet is low in cholesterol and saturated fats; there is a focus on fish, poultry, and veal with moderate amounts of red meat.
Yogurt Diet this diet consists of two versions, being 900-1000 kcal/day, and 1200-1500 kcal/day; plain low-fat yogurt is the main dairy dish, consumed at breakfast, lunch, and as a bedtime snak; the diet is high in protein, and it is low in cholesterol, saturated fat, and refined carbohydrates.
Diets that do not provide 100% of the U.S. RDA for 13 vitamins and minerals:
Beverly Hills
Carbohydrate Cravers Basic
Carbohydrate Cravers Dense
California (1200 kcal)California (2000 kcal)
I Love America
I Love New York
Pritikin (700 kcal)
Pritikin (1200 kcal)
Richard Simmons
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