Saturday, April 05, 2008
General Health Updates
Now, what about the diet? Listen up as this is where you can make it or break it.
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Spinach Powder
Wheatgrass Sprouters
Kickboxing DVDs are the ultimate source to learn this martial art. The detailed instructions along with the ease of learning at your own leisure add to the value of the DVDs. You can learn numerous concepts and strategies essential for combats and competition. Watching DVDs provides a decent opportunity to entertain and train oneself with kickboxing techniques thereby turning into a trained kick boxer.
Yoshi E Kundagawa is a freelance journalist. He covers the mixed martial arts industry. For a free report on kickboxing dvd's, visit his blog:
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Wheatgrass Sprouters
Superfoods: K - Q
Note: Untreated high blood pressure can lead to:
* Heart disease
* Heart attack
* Stroke
* Kidney damage
Use Prevention to reduce your chance of developing high blood pressure:
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Superfoods: K - Q
Wheatgrass Skincare
Organic Wheatgrass Seeds
Marsh mallow Liquid Extract Tincture - Althaea officinalis 100ml
Raw Diets
Labels: Chlorella Powder Tablets | Organic Chlorella Tablets | Pines Wheatgrass
Recent information on Natural Aphrodisiacs
Discover How You Can Beat Michael Jordan In Athletics!
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Organic Hemp Shake
Digestive and Bowel Health
In general, men run a 1-in-6 chance of developing prostate cancer at some point in their lives. More than 230,000 new cases are expected this year in the United States, with about 27,000 deaths.
Most men will choose conventional treatment, often surgery or radiation, but there are life-changing potential side effects they need to be aware of, and discuss with their doctors.
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Digestive and Bowel Health
Wheatgrass Sprouters
3. Preserves Muscle strength - A common symptom of severe vitamin D deficiency is leg weakness. Senior citizens typically suffer from an inexorable muscle wasting that begins by age 40. In recent group studies Vitamin D blood levels were measured in elderly men and women and found that individuals who had higher readings also had greater thigh strength, concluding that blood concentration of vitamin D directly correlated with leg strength and function in these people. Another important result of the study showed that with a daily vitamin D intake of 800 units or more, falls were reduced to half of their pre-study level.
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Wheatgrass Sprouters
If you can’t find the ‘sang,’ try growing it yourself - Chester
Fri, 21 Mar 2008 08:17:01 GMT
If you can’t find the ‘sang,’ try growing it yourself Chester, USA - It is not until this stage that the roots contain the highest concentration of ginsenocides, which — if not necessarily aphrodisiacs — are recognized as ... |
'Beware of aphrodisiacs on the market' -FDB - Ghana Broadcasting Corporation
Sat, 29 Mar 2008 11:07:26 GMT
'Beware of aphrodisiacs on the market' -FDB Ghana Broadcasting Corporation, Ghana - ... has asked the public to be on their guard against a horde of aphrodisiacs flooding the markets, which are being sold as natural and herbal medicines. ... |
Natural AphrodisiacsHealthy Food for Women... Because You Need It!
Why is it important for a woman to eat healthy food? It is because of the fact that women are all the time at service of their loved ones, as a mother, a daughter, a wife and even as a friend. Since she has to play so many roles in her day to day life it is important for her to feel healthy and energetic so that she can be fulfill all her duties with equal ease.
Again, a healthy diet affirms the possibility of keeping yourself fit and in shape and helps you to keep away from weight and obesity related diseases like, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, arthritis, gallbladder disease, sleep apnea osteoarthritis, and some cancers.
Moreover, menopausal women need 1200-1500 mg of calcium daily, but a female body can only absorb 500 mg of calcium at a time. So women, going through menopausal phase, should eat calcium-rich foods throughout the day to keep her bones strong and ward off osteoporosis.
So, what do you think you will do about eating healthy and nutritious food? Here are some tips for you, which I too follow to fit my busy schedule.
- Take Calcium-fortified orange juice which helps to protect against PMS, high blood pressure and osteoporosis.
- Eat high fiber serial, do you know that fiber is a cancer fighter? So, while selecting cereals, choose the one with at least 7 grams of fiber per serving.
- Blueberries are antioxidant which can slow down your aging clock. Mix these with your cereal for a power breakfast.
- Carry fruit and nuts to your work place which are full of protein and anti-oxidant protection gives you energy through out the day.
- Drink at least 8 glasses of water so that you are not dehydrated. Fatigue, poor concentration and headaches are signs of mild dehydration which most of us do not even know.
- Prefer whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, and whole grain cereals to boost fiber, reduce empty calories, and feel fuller from the nutrients.
- Eat carrot sticks with a cube of cheese or dip; this is a great aid in absorption of those cancer-fighting carotenoids.
- Do you eat fish?prefer sermon as it is a rich source of omega-3s (good fat), it helps in warding off depression, severe menstrual cramps, macular degeneration, fatal heart attacks, and even breast cancer.
- If you have a weakness for chocolate, do not worry?..just drink cocoa which has much of the fat removed, has more antioxidant power than tea. Prefer it at bed time. The flavonoids in cocoa can keep blood platelets from clotting, which may prevent heart attacks; also the milk in hot cocoa is good for your bones.
These are the simple ways of eating healthy food to meet your nutrition requirement smartly. Now, eat healthy and enjoy living with full energy?today?tomorrow and always.
The author addresses health and fitness related issues. If you wish to seek help for your
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Labels: Roobibos Tea | Roobibos Herbal Tea | Muira Puama