Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The latest Informaiton on General Health
Dieting is not just about what food you eat, it's also about what attitude you have towards it. Your mental approach can literally make - or break - your diet plan.
Think about it for a moment. Whatever diet plan you're following; however healthy the food in your fridge is, it all counts for nothing if you rebel against it and decide to get a takeaway every night.
So how can you take a positive approach to losing weight? How can you make sure you remain committed to your diet - even when you've had a bad day?
The key is in the details. If you're looking at the bigger picture (for example, that your goal is to lose weight), even a small indiscretion can feel catastrophic. Having a chocolate biscuit with your tea will seem like a major disaster; after all, they're not healthy, they're not really necessary, and you weren't really hungry. So why did you eat it?
It's almost as if your brain concentrates on the negative event and magnifies it to seem disastrous. All of which can propel you onwards to eat more still, because you feel you've blown it today now anyway.
Let's look at that same indiscretion as a small detail. It's one chocolate biscuit. One. Not the whole packet - just one. You may still feel disappointed, and wish you hadn't eaten it, but it could have been much worse. You did at least have the willpower to stop at one. So congratulate yourself for that!
It's all about maintaining a positive mental attitude, because that's what will lead to your ultimate success, and to your goal weight.
If you view that chocolate biscuit as a disaster, you'll feel like a failure, and probably wonder what the point is of carrying on with your diet at all if you've already failed on such a small scale.
Do you see how much your attitude - good or bad - affects the end result?
Everyone who has ever achieved anything in life has done so through having a positive mental attitude. They have had the ability to see the best in a bad situation, learn from their mistakes and keep going regardless of the setbacks they may encounter.
Dieting is no different.
So however much weight you have to lose, and however hard or easy you are finding it, make sure you adopt a healthy mental attitude today. It will benefit you in more ways than you could imagine.
About the Author
Allison Whitehead has been a freelance writer for sixteen years, and is the author of 'The Ultimate Formula to Weight Loss - How to Program Your Mind to Be Successful in Any Diet Plan'. For further details visit http://tinyurl.com/tygdp
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- It may help to eat smaller portions but include a greater number of foods at each meal. That may help you develop a liking for variety.
- Try unusual combinations such as cooked chicken and raw fruit cut in small pieces and mixed together...or pizza sauce on a peanut butter open-face sandwich...or a teaspoon of honey or pancake syrup on a dark green, leafy salad.
Salads are great to experiment with. Many vegetables can be enjoyed in a salad. Try various amounts and combinations of carrot, tomato, cabbage, broccoli, bell pepper, cucumber, or other vegetables you enjoy. Use other types of greens: romaine lettuce, Bibb lettuce, collards, mache and basil. Dressing can be just oil, pesto, syrup, tomato sauce, ketchup, fruit juices, mayonnaise, peanut butter softened with oil, and even jam or jelly.
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Dr Wheatgrass Supershots - Bottled Wheatgrass Juice
Labels: Soapods
Have you heard of Spirulina UK
It's about time you placed your life at a premium. A good life isn't just about the quantity of life, it's also about the quality of life. Think about it: you don't want to be bedridden or a vegetable for the remaining years of your life. You want to be able to live long enough so that you can enjoy the fruits of your labor and your life up close and not on the bed. Of course there are several ways to keep you healthy, the two main things being a healthy diet, and of course, exercise. But there's nothing wrong with going the extra mile for your health. That can be achieved with the right nutritional and dietary supplements that helps keep your body fit. Supplements make sure that your body has enough of the vitamins it needs to keep functioning at the optimum. Vitamins are natural organic compounds so there's no danger of consuming supplements that are synthesized and artificial. Everything is pulled from mother nature -- plants, specifically, which are basically the only living creatures with the ability to manufacture their own food. We cannot, so we must rely on outside sources to keep ourselves healthy. Of course, we must exercise caution and exercise awareness of what we are taking in and how our intake affects our body.
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Spirulina UKHow Healthy Diet Can Help You Burn Fat
Healthy diet is one of the initial steps you must look in to when you begin thinking about how to increase your metabolism. You can find theories about loosing weight with diet anywhere you look.
One of the most popular such theories is a diet based on increasing protein and lowering carbohydrates in your meals (Atkins diet). Many of doctors use it themselves and highly recommend it. However, by now I hope you know the basis of a long term HEALTHY weight loss is in increasing metabolism.
Because all of us want to loose weight, preferably if we can without giving up on our favorite food sometimes we look for short cuts.
Because of reduced calorie intake, you should be very careful what food you eat during your low calorie diet. Make sure to eat 5 6 smaller meals, but reduced in volume and calories. If you reduce daily calories in your meals without supplementing it with low calorie foods, yes it is very possible that your metabolism will slow down. Besides calorie intake, there are other factors that influence metabolism speed, such as daily activities and genetics.
High protein diets produce results, and they produce it fast, no doubt about it. If you are looking for a fast, short-term weight loss then yes you should consider it. However, you are your weight loss plan should be based on a long term, healthy approach to loosing weight.
Lots of diet experts in the recent years are focusing their attention to low carb foods that can if taken correctly help people with their weight loss efforts. Recently available foods low in carbohydrates are very different then those before. They taste great, are very low cost and can if taken with persistence help you with fast weight loss.
Based on this information the best type of a diet is healthy diet. It will provide your body with all the nutrients it needs in order to stay healthy or to improve your health. This will be accomplished with reduction in calories and not in the amount of the meals per day. As a matter of fact youll probably have to eat more often then before.
Healthy diet is a slightly changed version of a health diet pyramid. It contains various food groups in specific amounts. It will require you to make a change in your eating habits but it will result in long term, healthy weight loss. In other words, your weight will not jump right back at you as soon as you stop with your high protein diet.
Every diet including the healthy diet can be adjusted to your individual needs and preferences, as long as you stick with general principle of it. In the beginning, it will be much easier to stick with your healthy diet if you include foods you prefer. For example, if you like apples and are not all that fond of oranges, eat apples. Nevertheless, keep in mind the overall principle and do not substitute oranges with burgers. ;)
Keep up with this basic healthy diet principles and you will soon see the difference it makes. In addition, for the end, when loosing weight do not count pounds lost, count inches.
About the Author
Discover truth behind diet myths, visit www.Complete-Diet.net and learn how to increase metabolism and burn fat.
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Labels: All Seasons Health Wheatgrass
Organic Barley Grass Powder Information
Plants for People is an international organization with offices in the UK, Holland and Germany. Their mission is to distribute information about the health-promoting benefits of plants.
There has been a lot of research in the last 10 years that supports the scientific and academic research that confirms the research of Dr Bill Wolverton of NASA, He found that plants absorb toxic chemicals in indoor air. This is vital for people who suffer from breathing problems and health issues.
It is becoming increasingly important as our indoor environments become more polluted than the air outside. Too often modern technology and man-made furnishing and synthetic building materials that emit VOCs (Volatile Organic Chemicals) into the air we breathe cause illness and breathing problems.
Adhesives, paints, carpets, synthetic building materials, insulations, and formaldehyde products, including products used for personal hygiene like deodorants, perfume, hairspray all release VOCs.
Tobacco smoke is a well-known culprit. What are not as well known are photocopiers, computer screens and printing equipment.
Research programmes and studies are just now letting us understand how important house plants are to us:
-Plants emit oxygen which is vital in our R2000, air tight homes.
-Plants absorb those toxins and carbon dioxide.
-Plants absorb VOCs that cause Sick Building Syndrome, headaches, sore, dry throats, dry or itchy skin, fatigue
-Plants reduce stress and have such strong health benefits that they help people recover from surgery more quickly
Research at The Royal College of Agriculture in Circencester found that plants can even boost the learning potential of students, which may also mean that it increases learning and productivity in the office. Behavioral signals were reduced by as much as 70% in rooms which held plants. Source: www.plats-for-people.org
Colleen Smith of Plants for People explained, ?People and plants have a natural symbiosis. Plants absorb toxins in the air including the Carbon Dioxide we emit whilst breathing. In return they refresh the air we breathe with Oxygen a bi-product of photosynthesis. It?s perfect, natural recycling.
?Other materials especially those that are man-made emit toxins into the air and the plants also absorb these. The toxins are converted into food for the plant so they don?t damage the plant but they stop them doing us harm.?
She went on to explain that offices where plants were introduced, saw reductions in sickness absence as complaints about minor ailments like headaches, fatigue and skin irritations were reduced.
?Plants also have a calming effect on us, so that in stressful situations, they literally return the physical symptoms of stress ? raised blood pressure and pulse rates ? to normal more quickly. When we are calmer we concentrate better,? she added.
Plants can also be used as window treatments. They block the sun, keeping the heat out in the summer, and keeping it in through the winter months. Research has barely started to understand the benefits of plants in the home and office environment. But, as the eco-industry strengthens and grows, plants are expected to become a major part of our daily lives.
About the Author:
Tina Timms advises you on bonsai and plant care at her site. Drop by and download her Free Guide at http://www.bonsaihere.com
Organic Barley Grass Powder TopicsWheatgrass Skincare
If you smoke, I hope I have given you food for thought. By all means, try to stop. Smoking not only ages you through general health deterioration but probably makes you look less attractive. Your family and loved ones need you. So, I caution you to stop right now.
Once you begin to seek treatment to stop, there are also skin solutions that can help you get back to a more vibrant and beautiful you. There is a product we hear that can help you restore your skin to a more youthful glow.
To take extra good care of your skin suffering from the sun-like damage associated with smoking consider using a topical cream like Lumnaderm(tm). This product can offer significant help to those concerned about the appearance of skin which may have been damaged by the sun, free radicals, or other skin problems. Lumnaderm(tm) is available from fine online stores like Amazon and the BODeStore.com (http://www.bodestore.com).
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Wheatgrass Skincare
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