Sunday, September 07, 2008
Not just A blog about Superb Goji Berries
Tasty, Health Boosting Goji Berry Recipes!
Tue, 16 Jan 2007 16:30:33 EST
These little Tibetan Goji berries are plumper than the Chinese ones, and they taste much better to me. I have been feasting on them for a week now, and losing about half a pound a day!
The taste is ...
6 Superfoods For Age-Defying Beauty!
Thu, 29 Jun 2006 22:06:19 EDT
Copyright 2006 Sylvia Riley
6 superfoods for age-defying beauty:
1) Goji Berries
Goji berries, hollywoods hottest new food, are one of the most nutritionally dense foods on earth and house ...
Superb Goji BerriesThe Right Diet for You
If you were a car which fuel would you run on? Now I know you are not a car, but I wish to use an analogy to explain a point.
I?m sure you either have a car or know someone that does. Let me for now assume you have just bought a bright shiny new car. What fuel does your car use? Let me make another assumption that your car is fueled by petrol (gasoline).
In your excitement having picked up your new car you drive to the nearest petrol (gas) station to ?feed? your new pride and joy. However, in your excitement you accidentally fill it with Diesel. You drive out of the petrol (gas) station and 300 yards down the road you hear a bang, smoke starts pouring out from the bonnet (hood) and your car comes to a grinding halt.
Quite clearly filling your car with the wrong type of fuel caused it to break down.
The same thing happens to people when they feed themselves the wrong types of foods. It just takes a little longer for the smoke to come pouring out and to come to a complete stop. Before the complete stop we tend to develop chronic degenerative diseases, like obesity which is very prevalent today.
Feeding your body with the wrong types of fuel will be a main cause of excess body fat.
I use Metabolic Typing with my clients to achieve great results. According to William Wolcott, author of ?The Metabolic Typing Diet?, ?Metabolic Typing unleashes the maximum output from the body's "engines of metabolism" and optimizes genetic potential and produces peak performance.?
Ancient Greeks and Romans, Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine all recognised many years ago that each person has different nutritional requirements.
Weston A. Price, an American Dentist travelled the world to find healthy civilizations to study in the 1920?s and 1930?s. His findings were published in his book, ?Nutrition and Physical Degeneration?, and his findings where the beginning of the understanding of metabolic typing in modern times.
Price found that where ever he found civilizations whom ate a traditional non-westernized diet where in almost perfect health. He then found civilizations close by who had begun to consume what he called white man?s food they suffered from increased body fat and many types of diseases requiring medical attention.
However, if a sick individual returned to his native tribe and native diet, the illness and diseases were reversed in most instances.
Francis Pottenger, a medical Doctor demonstrated in the 1930?s and 1940?s that the autonomic nervous system played a role in determining the types of foods and nutrients different people needed for good health.
Dr. Roger Williams, PhD, world renowned Biochemist, explained in his book, ?Biochemical Individuality,? published in 1956 how different we all are on a biochemical basis. He discovered the way that cells function is very unique from person to person and that improper nutrition is a major cause of human disease.
William Kelley, an Orthodontist continued Williams?s work into the first ideas of metabolic typing in the 1960?s. Meanwhile, Dr, George Watson, a clinical Psychologist had developed a system of correct nutrition dependant on a persons oxidative rate.
More recently, Wolcott has taken over the mantle of metabolic typing. Wolcott having worked with Kelley realised that some of their patients would improve with metabolic typing and some wouldn?t.
It was Wolcott who then realised that in some people eating right according to their autonomic nervous system improved health, whilst health improved in others according to their oxidative system. Therefore one system is dominant over the other. Wolcott called this the dominance factor.
It should be noted, the number of so called ?experts? is increasing, as are weight loss products and foods and new drugs and surgical procedures. However, in modern societies, we are becoming more unwell and the number of people becoming overweight or obese is constantly increasing.
Metabolic Typing involves a process of finding out what foods are right for YOU. As Lucretius once said, ?One man?s food is another man?s poison?.
How right he was.
? Leigh Brandon
Leigh is a holistic health practitioner who helps people to achieve their ideal weight, rehabilitate injuries and condition for sports in his BodyCHEK Clinic in London. He also runs the amazing ?Take Control? Get Healthy Programme.
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As more and more employers and corporates are unwilling to pay for health insurance of employees due to the prohibitive cost, people are opting for individual health insurance plans. Further, self-employed people like lawyers, artists, freelance writers, small business men have no other option but to opt for a health insurance plan.
A health insurance is a must for a secure and safe future. The objective of a health insurance is to safe guard an individual from financial risk of illness, accident and medical costs. There are thousands of plans available online and through agents today. Health insurance quotes are easily available on the internet after furnishing basic data about yourself. Some of the important points that need to be examined are discussed below.
Premium: Premium is the amount you pay periodically; usually monthly to the health insurance company for the health insurance policy. The higher the premium usually the more benefits included in the plan, but it is not necessary. The premium depends on the age of the individual, health, whether smoker or non-smoker, pre-existing condition etc.
Duration of Coverage: Longer duration coverage usually has more premium than shorter duration coverage.
Type of Coverage: Basic coverage covers basics like hospitalization and surgery. Comprehensive coverage covers preventive care, routine medical checkups, prescription drugs etc. The premium for comprehensive will naturally be higher.
Deductibles: Deductible is part of the medical bill which you have to pay and the rest is paid by the insurance company. The higher the deductible, the lower the premium.
Flexibility: If the health insurance plan is flexible that is it allows you to visit a specialist without going through a primary care physician then the premium will be higher.
Preferred hospital or Physician: Most insurance companies have tie-ups with doctors' networks to reduce their costs. If your preferred hospital or physician is present in the network, then it is an added reason to opt for the health insurance plan.
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Healing Info
Health insurance is an important aspect of life and it should not be over looked just because you do not have proper knowledge of the topic and how to deal with that. Never the less now even that problem of yours is solved as well with the free heath insurance quote.
A free health insurance quote is something that can help you estimate how and what you need to do while looking for health insurance.
With so many different options as regards to choosing policies available it sometimes becomes difficult to estimate as what could be ideal for us. That is where we can use these free health insurance quotes to their optimum. A health insurance quote used well can save the users plenty of money when it comes to paying of monthly premiums.
The policies that the users can get nowadays are the following:
Fee for services it is a traditional type of health insurance policy. Where you pay a percentage of the cost and it has higher monthly premiums. So a health insurance quote will definitely help people in choosing a better plan.
There are also other management care plans also known as HMOs (health maintenance organizations) here the users pay monthly premiums and a small amount called the co pay at the time when you use the policy. The premiums are lower but the health insurance quote can help you understand the policy better and can offer you a deal better still.
There are other policies as well like COBRA where you can take the help of a health insurance quote to understand the proposition better.
A free health insurance is almost like a benediction for people who have pre existing conditions. It means that they either have health problems or some other thing they can choose any of these policies.
? Temporary coverage
? State requirements
A health insurance quote will be useful with that as well to the people with pre existing conditions.
A free health insurance quote can be availed either by logging online or by taking the services of a broker. A broker will not only suggest a good deal but he will also guide you through the whole health insurance process. You can clear all your queries regarding the process of health insurance as well. Also you can get some valuable tips from a broker as well which will further make the health insurance policy more attractive.
It is always better to have health insurance whether it is for you or a family member. What can help you get one such policy or at least understand it better is a free health insurance quote. So if you are looking for health insurance it is advisable to first go in for a free health insurance quote.
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