Monday, December 01, 2008

More Great Natural Remedies Resources.

Natural RemediesHealthy Tips to Celebrate National Womens Health Week

C. National Womens Health Week starts the week after Mothers Day. You can work on your health anytime. This week is a great time to get all your check ups done if you have not done so yet this year. Remember, the elements of health include your eating habits, your resting habits, how you think, how you spend your time and who you spend your time with. Neglecting your relationship with God can cause you to experience less health. Make sure you are building rest into each day, week, and month. Plan your vacations around what makes you feel rested. It may be time for your Pap smear, mammogram or complete physical with lab tests on your blood and urine. It is also a great time to have your teeth cleaned and checked. Have your spine checked by your Chiropractor. Change your workout habits if you are bored with them. Because its a new season you might want to try something new. Spend some time ON YOURSELF- FOR YOURSELF. You will be a better wife, mother, leader and community member. Celebrate your lovely and unique self for who you are and what you want to become. Here are some great resources to get yourself in gear to take care for your health:

By Dr. Letitia S. Wright, D.C.



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