Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Organic Barley Grass Powder Information
Plants for People is an international organization with offices in the UK, Holland and Germany. Their mission is to distribute information about the health-promoting benefits of plants.
There has been a lot of research in the last 10 years that supports the scientific and academic research that confirms the research of Dr Bill Wolverton of NASA, He found that plants absorb toxic chemicals in indoor air. This is vital for people who suffer from breathing problems and health issues.
It is becoming increasingly important as our indoor environments become more polluted than the air outside. Too often modern technology and man-made furnishing and synthetic building materials that emit VOCs (Volatile Organic Chemicals) into the air we breathe cause illness and breathing problems.
Adhesives, paints, carpets, synthetic building materials, insulations, and formaldehyde products, including products used for personal hygiene like deodorants, perfume, hairspray all release VOCs.
Tobacco smoke is a well-known culprit. What are not as well known are photocopiers, computer screens and printing equipment.
Research programmes and studies are just now letting us understand how important house plants are to us:
-Plants emit oxygen which is vital in our R2000, air tight homes.
-Plants absorb those toxins and carbon dioxide.
-Plants absorb VOCs that cause Sick Building Syndrome, headaches, sore, dry throats, dry or itchy skin, fatigue
-Plants reduce stress and have such strong health benefits that they help people recover from surgery more quickly
Research at The Royal College of Agriculture in Circencester found that plants can even boost the learning potential of students, which may also mean that it increases learning and productivity in the office. Behavioral signals were reduced by as much as 70% in rooms which held plants. Source: www.plats-for-people.org
Colleen Smith of Plants for People explained, ?People and plants have a natural symbiosis. Plants absorb toxins in the air including the Carbon Dioxide we emit whilst breathing. In return they refresh the air we breathe with Oxygen a bi-product of photosynthesis. It?s perfect, natural recycling.
?Other materials especially those that are man-made emit toxins into the air and the plants also absorb these. The toxins are converted into food for the plant so they don?t damage the plant but they stop them doing us harm.?
She went on to explain that offices where plants were introduced, saw reductions in sickness absence as complaints about minor ailments like headaches, fatigue and skin irritations were reduced.
?Plants also have a calming effect on us, so that in stressful situations, they literally return the physical symptoms of stress ? raised blood pressure and pulse rates ? to normal more quickly. When we are calmer we concentrate better,? she added.
Plants can also be used as window treatments. They block the sun, keeping the heat out in the summer, and keeping it in through the winter months. Research has barely started to understand the benefits of plants in the home and office environment. But, as the eco-industry strengthens and grows, plants are expected to become a major part of our daily lives.
About the Author:
Tina Timms advises you on bonsai and plant care at her site. Drop by and download her Free Guide at http://www.bonsaihere.com
Organic Barley Grass Powder TopicsWheatgrass Skincare
If you smoke, I hope I have given you food for thought. By all means, try to stop. Smoking not only ages you through general health deterioration but probably makes you look less attractive. Your family and loved ones need you. So, I caution you to stop right now.
Once you begin to seek treatment to stop, there are also skin solutions that can help you get back to a more vibrant and beautiful you. There is a product we hear that can help you restore your skin to a more youthful glow.
To take extra good care of your skin suffering from the sun-like damage associated with smoking consider using a topical cream like Lumnaderm(tm). This product can offer significant help to those concerned about the appearance of skin which may have been damaged by the sun, free radicals, or other skin problems. Lumnaderm(tm) is available from fine online stores like Amazon and the BODeStore.com (http://www.bodestore.com).
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Wheatgrass Skincare
Microrganics spirulina Tablets
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