Monday, September 29, 2008

The latest Informaiton on Holistic Remedies

MSMTexas Bee Pollen

Texas bee pollen is as the name states, derived from bees that originate and thrive in the state. Before we can properly analyze Texas bee pollen, one must first look at the environment in which the bees collect the pollen. Texas has a very high industry rate as well as an enormous population rate. These are factors that are very detrimental in the making of Texas bee pollen.

Although bee pollen sounds like it could be a relatively easy subject, it really isn?t. Not all bee pollen products are the same and location plays a key role in the finished product. Texas is a state that is very high in farming, oil industry as well as population. These three things sum up a very polluted environment to which the bee pollen is collected.

Pesticides and fertilizers are the first issue to address when speaking of Texas Bee Pollen because they are frequently utilized and commercially sprayed. Traces of these pollutants are consistently found in bee pollen. The best type of bee pollen products comes from areas that are mountainous and relatively unpopulated and unpolluted. It has to be of high importance when choosing the correct bee pollen supplement.

Industry and Texas Bee Pollen

A lot can be said to argue the industry agreement however, we sure suffer the effects of having such an industry dependant society. There is good and bad in the huge revolutionary success we, as a society have accomplished. The Texas bee pollen products probably suffer the worst.

We, as a now educated society, know the importance of untouched lands and skies and all long for them. The bees are no different. In an environment that is away from all the contaminants, the bees are heartier and thrive much better than they do in an area that is high in pollution and population.

New Zealand Vs Texas Bee Pollen

New Zealand vs. Texas bee pollen is a great example of differences in location to which bee pollen is collected. Texas bee pollen is collected in a terribly polluted and populated location which has been established in the paragraphs above, however New Zealand bee pollen is of a very pure nature due to the exact opposite reasons that Texas bee pollen displays.

The pollen is collected in a pristine location away from pollutions, industry or high population. The cross winds that New Zealand receive are from the South Pole and there is not much pollution to be found at the South Pole with the exception of reindeer droppings.

The product we personally use, located in the pristine source of New Zealand, is the most natural bee pollen source we have come across -

We have been using this supplement for over 3 years with excellent health results. We have achieved a general sense of well being and new improved energy levels.

We highly recommend you learn more on our bee pollen supplement of choice for further information.

Jean Helmet is one of the main editors for a series of nutrition sites. Check out our Bee supplement source, for further information on pollen.

MSM DiscussionNaturally Green Blog - Spirulina

What was going on was that the main ingredient in the creatine supplement, creatine monohydrate, was enhancing my muscles' ability to produce effort before fatiguing. The monohydrate component of creatine monohydrate combines with the most immediate metabolic byproducts of intense muscular effort during exercise, which turns a large percentage of the byproducts right back into usable muscular energy. The muscle is able to lift more weight and fatigues later than without the supplement being present. My experienced increase in performance of 10-20% was right in line with what is the usual benefit.
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Naturally Green Blog - Spirulina

Dried French Lavender Flowers

Because the fruit does not last long after it is harvested, it is mostly available to anyone outside of the Amazon as a juice or frozen. It also cannot be eaten in raw form, but rather in pulp form. That has not stopped its popularity. The dark, purple skin is what contains a majority of the healthy benefits. The natives of Brazil have been passing down recipes to create purees, which you can warm as a sauce over grains or entrees like meat and fish. The a�a� berry can also be frozen for a sorbet-like dessert.
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Dried French Lavender Flowers

Pines Wheatgrass Powder

What Will The Symptoms Be?
High blood pressure usually does not cause symptoms. Many people have high blood pressure and don�t even suspect it. Your organs and tissues can be damaged by high blood pressure without your feeling any symptoms.

Blood pressure must reach extreme levels before symptoms can be noticed. Occasionally, people with very high blood pressure may experience the following symptoms:
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Pines Wheatgrass Powder


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Cynical Clinton Thought of the Day - Washington City Paper

Mon, 29 Sep 2008 02:07:17 GMT

United Press International

Cynical Clinton Thought of the Day
Washington City Paper, DC - 9 hours ago
I’m sure this type of conjecture is/has been floating around the InterTubez, I’m just waiting for an MSM person to hit Clinton with it straight up. ...
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