Tuesday, November 25, 2008
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Mon, 10 Nov 2008 01:48:15 EST
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Topics on natural curesCamu-Camu
Acne is manifested because of the clogging or blockage in the pores of the sebaceous glands which are the oil secreting natural body moistures. The blockage of the follicles will lead to accumulation of sebum in the portion called the comedon. Propionicum acne, the bacteria, will get attracted to the site and cause inflammation by destroying the white blood cells. Non inflammatory acne also occurs. According to the difference in the clogging location, acne is classified into different sub types such as pimples, white heads, black heads, cysts and manula. It can occur in any age, but is more frequent in teenagers. On rare occasions, the outbreak of acne will grow and lead to moderate and severe type of acne. One of the most drastic consequences is its effects in the emotional well being of patients. Many patients have lost their confidence to go out in public and the result has been difficulties in relationships. The chance for permanent scaring is another potential harm.
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Peter Whittington maintains the sites http://www.health-fitness-for-all.com and http://www.ironic-health.com.
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Jason Rickard is the owner of Your Favourite Shop - http://www.yourfavouriteshop.com - Offering White Noise and Relaxation CDs - Visit Hapa Health - http://www.hapahapa.com for more articles.
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natural curesThe Effect Of A Low Carb Diet On Your Insulin Level
The underlying principles of low carb diets are based on the role of insulin in our body. There are three basic units the body uses for energy: Fats, Proteins, and Carbohydrates.
The underlying principles of low carb diets are based on the role of insulin in our body. There are three basic units the body uses for energy: Fats, Proteins, and Carbohydrates.
All three can be converted to blood glucose. However, while fats and proteins are converted slowly, carbohydrates are converted quickly causing quick spikes in the bodys blood sugar levels. These spikes in blood sugar levels cause the pancreas to create and release insulin until the blood sugar level returns to normal.
Meanwhile, insulin, a hormone produced in the pancreas that lowers our bloods glucose levels is released into the blood as soon as the body detects that blood sugar levels have risen above its optimal level.
Insulin is a very efficient hormone that runs the bodys fuel storage systems. If there is excess sugar or fat in the blood insulin will signal the body to store it in the bodys fat cells. Insulin also tells these cells not to release their stored fat, making that fat unavailable for use by the body as energy.
Since this stored fat cannot be released for use as energy, insulin very effectively prevents weight loss. The higher the bodys insulin levels, the more effectively it prevents fat cells from releasing their stores, and the harder it becomes to lose weight. According to many authorities, over the long term, high insulin levels can lead to insulin resistance and cause serious health problems like obesity, accelerated aging, increased food allergies and intolerances, overworked immune system, heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer.
Carbohydrates, especially simple carbs like sugar and starch, are quickly turned into sucrose by the body entering the blood stream quicker thereby causing the release of large amounts of insulin. The fewer carbs are eaten, the less insulin is produced by the body, and the fewer calories are stored as fat. Less fat storage equals less weight gain and fewer carbs eaten equals less insulin in the blood and the body using its fat stores for fuel.
The premise behind every low-carb diet plan is that a body that produces less insulin burns more fat than a body that produces lots of insulin. Some plans encourage a period of extremely low carbohydrate intake so that the body will enter a state of ketosis and more quickly burn fat stores.
These are usually called induction periods. The length of extreme carb control varies from seven days to however long it takes you to reach your ideal weight. After this period of extremely low carb dieting, maintenance levels of carb consumption are followed to prevent weight gain. The amount of carb you can safely eat will depend on your unique body system. And you will probably have to experiment to find out what level of carb intake is best for you.
No matter what your carb intake, it will be lower than the norm and you will still eliminate white flour and white flour products and certain other sugary and starchy foods. This is why these diet plans are known as low-carb lifestyles.
Low-carb success requires that you be willing to give up simple carbs for the long-term.
For more low carb information and a FREE copy of the ebook "30-day Low Carb Diet Ketosis Plan", please visit our website at http://lowcarb.buy-online-cheap.com/lcoptions/index.html
This article is for informational purposes only. You should consult with your physician before starting any diet.
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