Tuesday, August 26, 2008

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Health and WellbeingHealthy Weight Loss

Weight loss should be taken as a long term program as the body takes time to lose weight in a natural way. Rapid weight loss gained with the consumption of weight loss diet pills and food supplements deprive you of the energy necessary for day to day metabolism. These supplements are also low on essential vitamins and mineral and hence affect your health drastically. Sudden changes in your eating habits put a lot of stress on your liver. This may even make you sick sometimes. Healthy weight loss should ensure that as you lose your weight, your health is also improved. The reason for weight loss should not be merely improvement in looks but enhancement of your overall health.

Commitment, perseverance and patience are very necessary for a healthy weight loss. You should control your diet and exercise regularly till you achieve the goals set in your weight loss program. The motivation for a healthy weight loss should come from your own self and you should follow the weight loss program with dedication.

Exercise is an integral part of any weight loss program. You should exercise for 30 to 45 minutes daily. Be regular in your exercises as losing your rhythm is very easy. Once your make exercise a routine, you will like doing it. Also increase your daily activity levels from time to time. This may include parking your car a little far away when you go shopping, starting gardening, etc.

Healthy weight loss should involve a balance diet. You should consume less fats and more proteins and carbohydrates. You should eat more of fruits, vegetables, grains and starchy food. You diet should not contain only one food item. You should eat a variety of food items. A sound health is not about getting sufficient calories for body metabolism and is achieved by consuming various essential foods.

You can also consult a registered dietician for weight loss. Dieticians are educated and trained in nutrition and will provide you information about different food items, their compositions, calorific values and their benefits. You should also read food labels to get a clearer understanding of what you are eating. Foods that are labeled 97 to 100 percent fat-free are good for healthy weight loss.

Make a slow start and let your body adjust to the new lifestyle. Do not haste and consume diet pills that may have side effects. You can also choose to make one to two changes in your habits every week. For example, in the first week, you can decide that you will not eat fried foods and walk daily during your lunch break. In the second week, you can stop eating fat rich dairy products and start jogging in the morning. Your body will get sufficient time to react to such changes and you will succeed in achieving healthy weight loss. You should not target weight loss of more than two pounds each week.

Some people also keep a record of their diet and exercise. Analyze your food habits and exercise levels every week and make necessary improvements in your weight loss program. Increase the quantity of healthy food items that your take and reduce the unhealthy ones every week.

You should also be regular in your meals and snacks. If you skip a meal, you will be hungry after a few hours and your body will demand high energy diet. You will be tempted to eat sugar-rich food such as pastry and chocolate.

If other members in your family also want to reduce weight, then the entire family can choose to eat healthy diet. This will reduce your access to fat rich stuff and fast food. With reduced access, you will be less tempted to eat these unhealthy foods.

About the Author

Wray Burns is author & owner of www.weight-loss-that-works.com a website aimed at providing help & information for people looking to lose weight and improve their fitness.

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