Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Another blog about Ecozone Night light
Health & Beauty: Oily Skin Can Get Dehydrated Too
by: News Canada
(NC)All skin types - normal, dry, and oily - needs to be moisturized in summer. Your face may appear to have a shine without a morning lotion, "but what you may be witnessing," says Jacquie Hutchinson, national product trainer for Almay, "is a false sense of security."
The skin, she says, has the life-sustaining role of protecting our veins, arteries, blood and organs from exposure to the environment. "It is such an important role that even with the first sign of dehydration, the oil glands immediately pump out more oil to protect from potential damage. Non-moisturized, dehydrated skin therefore can easily look oily and as a result it ruins that flawless, matte look you are trying to achieve.
"Instead, all skin types should be moisturized at least twice a day, but if you like, tuck-away the heavier cream for winter use and apply a lighter lotion in summer."
Sunscreen Reminder
Skincare specialists virtually agree that daytime products for your face should include a sunscreen, all year-round.
"Our company's hypo-allergenic line up recommends kinetin for youthful, regeneration of the skin," Hutchinson said. "Kinetin is an anti-aging discovery found in green leafy plants and for daytime use, it is combined with UVA/UVB protection and offered in Almay's line of moisturizers, foundations, concealers and lipsticks.
"Kinetin, has healing benefits too," she said. "Clinical testing indicates an efficacious ability to help reverse and repair sun damaged skin and to protect from sunspots, lines, and dry patches. Unlike retinol-based formulas, Kinetin skincare requires no "sun-avoidance" program and recently, our two Kinetin products with SPF were awarded accreditation from the Canadian Dermatological Association."
For those of us concerned about applying too much product on oily or normal skin during the humid days of summer, specialists do suggest "the easiest solution is to get skin protecting and enhancing benefits, all in one."
- News Canada
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Fri, 21 Mar 2008 04:36:53 EDT
. . Ecozone Moonlight, night light, light bulb, glow light...
Thu, 17 Jan 2008 11:49:00 EDT
It houses a booming night life and tourist destinations....
Thu, 17 Jan 2008 11:49:00 EDT
It houses a booming night life and tourist destinations....
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