Friday, January 30, 2009
The latest Informaiton on Health and Nutrition
Erzana Jones has special interest in dentistry and health related topics.For more information about dentist, dentist New York or any kind of dental emergency visit
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Frozen Wheatgrass Juice - 2 Week Supply
Raw Organic Cacao Beans - 1KG - �26.99
As for gelatin, it has no effect on nail growth and strength. This was an advertising campaign that began in the 1890s when Charles Knox created gelatin from leftover slaughterhouse waste. Knox claimed that this waste material would strengthen nails since cow�s hooves were strong. Unfortunately, it doesn�t so even if you eat a truckload of Jell-O, your nails will still become chapped and brittle if they�re constantly exposed to water. Wearing gloves makes more sense.
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Raw Organic Cacao Beans - 1KG - �26.99
Bone Health
* Citrus fruits contain high concentrations of Vitamin C. Vitamin C burns fat by diluting or liquefying it. This makes it less effective and easier for the body to flush fat from the system. Vitamin C also helps burn out the cholesterol making it difficult for cholesterol deposits to form in blood vessels.
* Calcium in dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt plays an important role in weight loss by accelerating the fat breakdown in fat cells.
* Broccoli and Cabbage both contain very high quantities of calcium and Vitamin C and are full of fiber!
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Bone Health
Manuka Honey | Comvita Manuka Honey | Wheatgrass Juicer | Electric Wheatgrass Juicer
Labels: Frozen Wheatgrass Juice | Hoodia Gordonii
Have you heard of Hoodia Gordonii
Until you reach the point where your body fat is at an optimal level and your fitness �above average�, you probably won't get all the results you're looking for even with an ideal diet.
Fit people not only digest better, the entire process of nutrition is improved with improved fitness. This means assimilation will be better, blood sugar will be more under control, and much more besides.
To start improving your fitness, you have to identify your areas of weakness and work on improving these first. We explain how to do this in the Perfect Health Program and we put it into action in our 30-Day Body Enlightenment System.
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Discount Coupon
L'Equip Model 509 Juicer
Acai Powder - Freezed Dried Acai
Saw Palmetto | Saw Palmetto Capsules | Saw Palmetto Herb | Saw Palmetto Powder | Saw Palmetto Tincture
Labels: Organic Flaxseed Oil | Organic Flaxseed Capsules
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Lets talk about Herbal Mate
Bee pollen bugs are flying insects that have transparent wings and the type we?re all most familiar with are the ones that are yellow and black that everyone runs away from. Bee pollen bugs are responsible for creating what man has pegged the most healthful food on the planet. Bee pollen has every essential vitamin and nutrient known to man and this even included trace minerals. Anything that is good for the body that man knows about, is in bee pollen.
What Do Bee Pollen Bugs Do?
Bee pollen bugs fly from flower to flower collecting pollen by storing it in little pockets near the hind legs and as they do so, inject the pollen with all sorts of digestive enzymes and saliva create bee pollen. In fact, this bee pollen is so unique and mysterious to scientists and research scientists alike that they cannot even reproduce it in a laboratory setting.
It has been tried and failed many times but the extra ingredient or ingredients that the bee pollen bugs inject into the bee pollen remains a mystery. Research studies have shown that when scientists removed the bee pollen bugs natural comb and replaced it with one made of synthetic bee pollen, the bees do not thrive and eventually die. Whatever it is though, could be the medical miracle of bee pollen therapy.
Bee Pollen Bugs and The Good They Do
Bee pollen bugs are directly responsible for creating bee pollen for without the bug flying around to gather pollen, humans wouldn?t even have the option to add this fantastic product to the diet. Bee pollen has flavonoids constituents that have abundant antioxidant properties. It is used in many medical uses however there are no direct studies to conclusively indicate that it is an effective tool in treating disease or disorder however much is known about the effects it has as a dietary supplement.
While it can?t be said that bee pollen can heal the body, the facts that when a human body is fed the proper nutrients and life sustaining essentials the body heals itself.
When selecting a bee pollen supplement it is imperative that the company and product be researched to ensure a high quality product. The effects of low-grade bee pollen can be toxins and other contaminants that are collected as the bee collects pollen. It is also of equal importance that the bee pollen collected is not from a source that is high in pollution. Traces of heavy metals and other potentially dangerous toxins have been found in low-grade bee pollen. Buyer Beware!
The product we personally use, located in the pristine source of New Zealand, is the most natural bee pollen source we have come across - We have been using this supplement for over 3 years with excellent health results. We have achieved a general sense of well being and new improved energy levels. We highly recommend you check out our bee pollen supplement of choice for further information. John Gibb runs a series of health websites. Check out our Bee supplement guide, for more information on bee pollen. |
Labels: Yerba Mate Tea